Quick Start

This Quick Start guide assumes that you have already completed the deployment steps, have installed a Meridian instance, and that you are able to connect to the web UI at http://<ip-or-fqdn-of-your-server>:8980/opennms.

The guide includes steps to set up basic monitoring with Meridian, and involves minimal configuration. For more in-depth information on any topic, see the Deep Dive section.


After you have installed and started Meridian, you should consider your monitoring goals. Knowing what kind of information you want to collect will help focus your setup process.

Meridian provides robust functionality out of the box, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Self-monitoring via JMX data collection.

  • Detection and monitoring of more than twelve services, including DNS, HTTP/S, and more.

  • Reception and recognition of SNMP traps from over 200 MIBs.

  • Collection of SNMP performance data from over 200 families of SNMP-capable devices.

  • Collection of standard MIB-2 stats from SNMP-capable devices.

Unless otherwise stated, the procedures in this guide require you to be logged in to the OpenNMS web UI as a user with admin privileges.