Secure Credentials Vault

The secure credentials vault lets you encrypt credentials that Meridian uses. It stores them in the Java keystore (JKS) format.

The secure credentials vault is enabled by default.

Configure password

You can configure a custom password for the secure credentials vault by editing org.opennms.features.scv.jceks.key in ${OPENNMS_HOME}/etc/

You cannot change the secure credentials vault password after credentials have been stored. You must delete ${OPENNMS_HOME}/etc/scv.jce and manually re-add any credentials if you want to change the password after the file has been created.

The secure credentials vault keystore file is located in ${OPENNMS_HOME}/etc/scv.jce.

Store credentials

Entries in the SCV are identified by aliases. For each alias, you can store a username, a password, and a set of key-value pair attributes.

To access or add credentials, click Info  Secure Credentials Vault in the top menu bar.

Access entries

Metadata expressions

You can access entries in the secure credentials vault from metadata using the scv context.

Example metadata expressions
Expression Description


Accesses the username from the juniper-vm alias.


Accesses the password from the juniper-vm alias.


Accesses the user1 property from the juniper-vm alias.


Accesses the domain property from the corp-directory alias.

Karaf commands

You can access and update entries in the secure credentials vault from the Karaf shell. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Open an SSH session:

    ssh -p 8101 admin@localhost
  2. Access or update secure credentials vault entries using the shell.

    • Set credentials:

      admin@opennms()> scv-set --help
      	Sets and securely store the credentials for the given alias.
              opennms:scv-set alias username password
                      Alias used to retrieve the credentials.
                      Username to store.
                      Password to store.
    • Access secure credentials vault entries:

      admin@opennms()> scv-get --help
      	Retrieves the username and attributes for the given alias.
              opennms:scv-get alias
                      Alias used to retrieve the credentials.