Basic Upgrade Steps

This procedure describes how to do a basic Meridian upgrade. You may need to complete additional steps to upgrade in a more complex setup (for example, if you run more than one Meridian instance, have more complex database migration requirements, or depending on the age of current version).

If you use Git to track changes to your configuration files, see Upgrade Meridian with Git.

Make sure you complete the tasks in the before you begin section before starting. In addition, if the system requirements for the new version require you to upgrade your PostgreSQL database, you must do this before the Meridian upgrade.

Update and verify the Meridian repository

  • CentOS/RHEL

Your Meridian repository is defined in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory. The file may be named Meridian.repo, but it is not guaranteed to be.

  1. Log in as the root user or elevate your permissions to be the root user

  2. Open your Meridian repository config file with a text editor.

  3. Change the repository’s baseurl from the old release family to the new release family. The baseurl should resemble / The REPO_USER and REPO_PASS values are your Meridian subscription credentials.

  4. Enable auto updates:

    yum -y install yum-utils
    yum-config-manager --enable opennms-repo-stable-*
  5. Purge any cached yum data:

    yum clean all
  6. Make a backup copy of your config:

    rsync -Ppav ${OPENNMS_HOME}/etc /tmp/etc.orig
    rsync -Ppav ${OPENNMS_HOME}/jetty-webapps/opennms/WEB-INF /tmp/opennms-web-inf
  7. Upgrade the Meridian packages to the newest version:

    yum -y upgrade opennms
  8. Disable auto updates:

    yum-config-manager --disable opennms-repo-stable-*
  9. Upgrade Java 11 to the latest release:

    yum -y install java-11-openjdk java-11-openjdk-devel
  10. Use the runjava command to set the JVM that Meridian will use:

    ${OPENNMS_HOME}/bin/runjava -s
  11. Check for configuration file changes and update accordingly using the files you backed up in identify changed configuration files.

    If you upgrade in place, Meridian renames any shipped config that conflicts with an existing user-modified config to .rpmnew or .rpmsave. Inspect these files manually and reconcile any differences. Use diff -Bbw and diff -y to look for changes. If any .rpmnew or .rpmsave files exist within the configuration directory, services will not start.
  12. Run the Meridian installer:

    ${OPENNMS_HOME}/bin/install -dis

    The upgrade may take some time. An "Upgrade completed successfully!" message confirms that the upgrade has completed. If you do not get this message, check the output of the install command for any errors.

  13. Clear the Karaf cache:

    yes | ${OPENNMS_HOME}/bin/
  14. Start Meridian:

    systemctl start opennms.service
    tail -F ${OPENNMS_HOME}/logs/manager.log shows the Meridian startup progress.
  15. The upgrade is completed and operation resumes.

Make sure that you clear your browser’s cache before using the Meridian web UI against the upgraded version. This is especially important for pages that use JavaScript heavily (for example, the Requisitions UI).

PostgreSQL upgrade and configuration

Refer to the PostgreSQL documentation for information on how to upgrade a PostgreSQL database. You may also find the Upgrading PostgreSQL article on Discourse useful.

You must stop the Meridian service while doing maintenance on database services.