What’s New in OpenNMS Horizon 33

System requirements

  • Java 11 and 17: OpenNMS Horizon 33 runs on JDKs 11 and 17.

  • PostgreSQL 10 or higher: Horizon 33 requires any supported version of PostgreSQL from 10 up to (and including) 16.

New features and important changes

OpenNMS Plugin API

The OpenNMS Plugin API has been updated to version 1.6.0, which includes some new APIs ported over from the Horizon codebase to simplify plugin development, as well as cleanups to dependencies. It also includes some fixes to the protocol list used by Enlinkd.

Expanded metadata support

It is now possible to use the metadata DSL in nearly all configuration files. For details on all of the subsystems that support the metadata DSL, see the operation manual.

Confd improvements

Support for confd has been added to the Sentinel container.

UI: structured node list

An enhanced node list has been introduced with options for sorting and filtering.

Breaking changes

Docker image changes

The Docker images for the core, minion, and sentinel have been changed from being Ubuntu-based to using RedHat’s Universal Base Image. This move shrinks the image a bit, makes minimal updating easier, and should simplify running in restrictive OpenShift environments.

The images are based on the ubi9-minimal image, which is essentially a stripped down version of RHEL 9. This means that things will have moved around a bit in the filesystem, and that you should use microdnf for package management.

Important internal updates

  • Our embedded Karaf container and Karaf APIs have been updated to 4.3.10

  • The OpenNMS Plugin API has been updated to 1.6.0

  • Zookeeper APIs have been updated to 3.7.x

  • If you are performing automated tests, you may need to disable the new popup that shows on first launch. To do so set opennms.userDataCollection.show=false in a properties file in $OPENNMS_HOME/etc/opennms.properties.d/.

Stricter validation of requisition names

Some characters (/, \, ?, &, *, ', “) may not be used in requisition names. The UI components have already enforced the validation of requisition names. This restriction is now also enforced when creating search requests via the OpenNMS ReST API.