BMP Peer Status Adapter

The BMP peer status adapter creates events for peer status changes. It handles BMP Peer Up and Down messages that the BMP parser receives and parses, and converts them to Horizon events. Horizon associates the created events with the router sending the messages. This router must exist as a regular node in Horizon.

The events are called and

Horizon uses the IP address exporting BMP messages to associate a router with the particular Horizon node. In addition, the node’s metadata can specify a BGP ID to associate routers. If the parameter metaDataNodeLookup is not empty, it will be interpreted as a context:key metadata name, used to look up a node that has stored the queried BGP ID as a value in the specified key.


Class Name


Configuration and use

Table 1. Optional parameters for the BMP telemetry adapter
Parameter Description Default


Enables lookup using BGP IDs.
