Troubleshoot and Manage Thresholds

This section includes shell commands that can help to debug and manage thresholding.

Enumerate persisted threshold states

Use opennms:threshold-enumerate:

admin@opennms> opennms:threshold-enumerate
Index   State Key
1       23- / hrStorageSize * 100.0-/opt/opennms/share/rrd/snmp-RELATIVE_CHANGE
2       23- * 8 / 1000000 / ifHighSpeed * 100-/opt/opennms/share/rrd/snmp-HIGH
3       23- / 100) / CpuNumCpus) * 100.0-/opt/opennms/share/rrd/snmp-HIGH
4       23- + ifOutDiscards-/opt/opennms/share/rrd/snmp-HIGH

Each state is uniquely identified by a state key and aliased by the given index. Indexes are scoped to the particular shell session and provided as an alternative to specifying the complete state key in subsequent commands.

Display state details

Use opennms:threshold-details:

admin@opennms> opennms:threshold-details 1
interpolatedExpression='hrStorageUsed / hrStorageSize * 100.0'
admin@opennms> opennms:threshold-details 2
interpolatedExpression='ifHCInOctets * 8 / 1000000 / ifHighSpeed * 100'

Note that different types of thresholds display different properties.

Clear a particular persisted state

Use opennms:threshold-clear:

admin@opennms> opennms:threshold-clear 2

Clear all persisted states

Use opennms:threshold-clear-all:

admin@opennms> opennms:threshold-clear-all
Clearing all thresholding states....done