Usage Statistics

By default, the Usage Statistics module collects anonymous usage statistics. It publishes them to an aggregated list of statistics from all participating users (OpenNMS Usage Report) when Horizon starts, and every 24 hours after.

(For information on usage statistics collection and user consent, see usage statistics.)

Horizon collects and publishes a number of data points, including the following:

  • System ID (a randomly generated, universally unique identifier (UUID)).

  • Horizon release.

  • Horizon version.

  • OS architecture.

  • OS name.

  • OS version.

  • Number of available processors (CPU).

  • Amount of free physical memory.

  • Total amount of physical memory.

  • Number of alarms in the alarms table.

  • Number of situations in the alarms table.

  • Number of events in the events table.

  • Number of IP interfaces in the ipinterface table.

  • Number of nodes in the node table.

  • Number of nodes, grouped by system OID.

  • Number of locations.

  • Number of Minions.

  • Number of provisiond requisitions, by scheme.

  • Provisiond thread pool sizes.

  • List of enabled and disabled services.

  • List of installed features in Karaf.

  • Global notification enablement status.

  • Number of destination paths.

  • Number of on-call roles.

  • Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) name.

  • RDBMS version.

  • Number of pollerd tasks completed.

  • Number of event logs processed.

  • Number of core flows persisted.

  • Number of Newts samples inserted.

  • Number of queued updates completed.

  • Number of virtual appliances, Mini appliances, and 1U appliances that are connected to the system.

  • Whether Horizon is running inside a containerized environment like Docker or Podman.

View collected data points

To view the full list of data points, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Horizon.

  2. Click the gear symbol at the top-right of the page.

  3. Under Additional Tools, click Usage Statistics Sharing.

  4. Scroll through the list.

  5. Click Copy JSON to copy a JSON representation of collected data points to your clipboard.

Enable or disable usage statistics sharing

Admin users can enable or disable usage statistics sharing at any time. Statistics will still be collected and you can view them locally, which is useful for troubleshooting.

To enable or disable usage statistics sharing, follow these steps:

  1. Click the gear symbol at the top-right of the page.

  2. Under Additional Tools, click Usage Statistics Sharing.

  3. Select either Enable or Disable, as desired.

The usage statistics collection settings are updated.

Uninstall or block usage statistics collection

While we encourage users who are concerned about usage statistics collection to simply disable statistics sharing, we recognize that some organizations may want to remove the usage statistics collection feature entirely.

Opting out preserves the usage statistics for local consumption and troubleshooting purposes, but removes the sharing aspect of usage statistics collection.

Uninstalling or blocking this feature eliminates the possibility of viewing the collected usage statistics locally. These statistics tend to be extremely helpful when seeking support.

Uninstall usage statistics feature

In the Karaf shell, use feature:uninstall datachoices to uninstall the usage statistics feature (datachoices):

admin@opennms()> feature:list | grep datachoices
datachoices                                 │ 2023.1.2         │ x        │ Started     │ opennms-2023.1.2                  │ OpenNMS :: Features :: Data Choices
admin@opennms()> feature:uninstall datachoices
admin@opennms()> feature:list | grep datachoices
datachoices                                 │ 2023.1.2         │          │ Uninstalled │ opennms-2023.1.2                  │ OpenNMS :: Features :: Data Choices

Block usage statistics feature

To block the usage statistics feature from loading on future start ups, do the following:

In the core’s etc/featuresBoot.d directory, create a file disable_datachoices.boot that contains the string !datachoices on a line by itself.

Disable product update enrollment

A related feature is Product Update Enrollment. On initial usage, a dialog will display allowing the user to enter some information in order to receive product update information from OpenNMS. The user can opt out by clicking "Opt Out". To disable the feature entirely, create a file in the etc/ folder and add the following line. This will prevent the dialog from displaying and prevent any data being sent to OpenNMS.