
The JDBCMonitor checks that it is able to connect to a database and if it can get the database catalog from that database management system (DBMS). It is based on the JDBC technology to connect and communicate with the database.

Monitor facts

Class Name


Configuration and use

Table 1. Monitor-specific parameters for the JDBCMonitor
Parameter Description Default value



JDBC driver class to use.


url {}

JDBC URL to connect to.


user {}

Database user


password {}

Database password

empty string



How many retries to perform before failing the test.


{} indicates the parameter supports placeholder substitution.

The OPENNMS_JDBC_HOSTNAME is replaced in the url parameter with the IP or resolved hostname of the interface the monitored service is assigned to.

This monitor implements the Common Configuration Parameters.

Database driver

The JDBCMonitor is based on JDBC and requires a JDBC driver to communicate with any database. Since Meridian itself uses a PostgreSQL database, the PostgreSQL JDBC driver is available out of the box. For all other database systems, you must provide a compatible JDBC driver to Meridian as a JAR file. To provide a JDBC driver, place the driver-jar in your ${OPENNMS_HOME}/lib folder.


The following example checks if the PostgreSQL database that Meridian uses is available.

Note that you must include the monitor section in your definition.

<service name="OpenNMS-DBMS" interval="30000" user-defined="true" status="on">
  <parameter key="driver" value="org.postgresql.Driver"/>
  <parameter key="url" value="jdbc:postgresql://OPENNMS_JDBC_HOSTNAME:5432/opennms"/>
  <parameter key="user" value="opennms"/>
  <parameter key="password" value="opennms"/>

<monitor service="OpenNMS-DBMS" class-name="org.opennms.netmgt.poller.monitors.JDBCMonitor" />