Criteria Builder
The Criteria Builder is a generic component to filter dashlet information. Some dashlets use this component to filter the shown information on a dashlet for certain use cases. It is possible to combine multiple criteria to display just a subset of information in a given dashlet.
Restriction | Description | Property | Value 1 | Value 2 |
Asc |
ascending order |
- |
- |
- |
Desc |
descending order |
- |
- |
- |
Between |
Subset of data between value 1 and value 2 |
database attribute |
String |
String |
Contains |
Select all data that contains a given text string in a given database attribute. |
database attribute |
String |
- |
Distinct |
Select a single instance. |
database attribute |
- |
- |
Eq |
database attribute |
Select data where attribute equals ( |
String |
- |
Ge |
Select data where attribute is greater or equal to ( |
database attribute |
String |
- |
Gt |
Select data where attribute is greater than ( |
database attribute |
String |
- |
Ilike |
unknown |
database attribute |
String |
- |
In |
unknown |
database attribute |
String |
- |
Iplike |
Select data where attribute matches a given IPLIKE expression. |
database attribute |
String |
- |
IsNull |
Select data where attribute is null. |
database attribute |
- |
- |
IsNotNull |
Select data where attribute is not null. |
database attribute |
- |
- |
Le |
Select data where attribute is less than or equal to ( |
database attribute |
String |
- |
Lt |
Select data where attribute is less than ( |
database attribute |
String |
- |
Like |
Select data where attribute is like a given text value (similar to SQL |
database attribute |
String |
- |
Limit |
Limit the result set by a given number. |
- |
Integer |
- |
Ne |
Select data where attribute does not equal ( |
database attribute |
String |
- |
Not |
Unknown difference between |
database attribute |
String |
- |
OrderBy |
Order the result set by a given attribute. |
database attribute |
- |
- |
MultiAnd |
Constraint that supports multiple parameters in criteria builder. |
database attribute |
String |
String |
For date values, you can specify absolute value in ISO format (2019-06-20T20:45:15.123-05:00). Specify relative times by +seconds and -seconds. |