CLI-based utility

The command line (CLI)-based tool is not installed by default. It is available as an RPM package in the official repositories.


RHEL based installation with Yum
yum install opennms-jmx-config-generator
Debian based installation with apt
apt-get install opennms-jmx-config-generator

Installation from source

It is required to have the Java 8 Development Kit with Apache Maven installed. The mvn binary has to be in the path environment. After cloning the repository you have to enter the source folder and compile an executable JAR.

cd opennms/features/jmx-config-generator
mvn package

Inside the newly created target folder a file named jmxconfiggenerator-<VERSION>-onejar.jar is present. This file can be invoked by:

java -jar target/jmxconfiggenerator-2022.1.28-onejar.jar


After installing the the JMX Config Generator the tool’s wrapper script is located in the ${OPENNMS_HOME}}/bin directory.

$ cd /path/to/opennms/bin
$ ./jmx-config-generator
When invoked without parameters the usage and help information is printed.

The JMX Config Generator uses sub-commands for the different configuration generation tasks. Each of these sub-commands provide different options and parameters. The command line tool accepts the following sub-commands.

Sub-command Description


Queries an MBean Server for certain MBeans and attributes.


Generates a valid jmx-datacollection-config.xml file.


Generates an RRD graph definition file with matching graph definitions for a given jmx-datacollection-config.xml.

The following global options are available in each of the sub-commands of the tool:

Option/Argument Description Default

-h (--help)

Show help and usage information.


-v (--verbose)

Enables verbose mode for debugging purposes.


Sub-command: query

This sub-command is used to query a MBean Server for its available MBean objects. The following example queries the server myserver with the credentials myusername/mypassword on port 7199 for MBean objects in the java.lang domain.

./jmx-config-generator query --host myserver --username myusername --password mypassword --port 7199 "java.lang:*"
	description: Information on the management interface of the MBean
	class name:
	attributes: (5/5)
			id: java.lang:type=ClassLoading:TotalLoadedClassCount
			description: TotalLoadedClassCount
			type: long
			isReadable: true
			isWritable: false
			isIs: false
			id: java.lang:type=ClassLoading:LoadedClassCount
			description: LoadedClassCount
			type: int
			isReadable: true
			isWritable: false
			isIs: false

<output omitted>

The following command line options are available for the query sub-command.

Option/Argument Description Default

<filter criteria>

A filter criteria to query the MBean Server for. The format is <objectname>[:attribute name]. The <objectname> accepts the default JMX object name pattern to identify the MBeans to be retrieved. If null, all domains are shown. If no key properties are specified, the domain’s MBeans are retrieved. To execute for certain attributes, you have to add :<attribute name>. The <attribute name> accepts regular expressions. When multiple <filter criteria> are provided they are OR concatenated.


--host <host>

Hostname or IP address of the remote JMX host.



Only show the ids of the attributes.


--ignore <filter criteria>

Set <filter criteria> to ignore while running.



Include attribute values.



Use JMXMP and not JMX over RMI.


--password <password>

Password for JMX authentication.


--port <port>

Port of JMX service.



Only lists the available domains.



Includes MBeans, even if they do not have attributes Either due to the <filter criteria> or while there are none.


--url <url>

Custom connection URL


--username <username>

Username for JMX authentication.


-h (--help)

Show help and usage information.


-v (--verbose)

Enables verbose mode for debugging purposes.


Sub-command: generate-conf

This sub-command can be used to generate a valid jmx-datacollection-config.xml for a given set of MBean objects queried from a MBean Server.

The following example generate a configuration file myconfig.xml for MBean objects in the java.lang domain of the server myserver on port 7199 with the credentials myusername/mypassword. You have to define either an URL or a hostname and port to connect to a JMX server.

jmx-config-generator generate-conf --host myserver --username myusername --password mypassword --port 7199 "java.lang:*" --output myconfig.xml
Dictionary entries loaded: '18'

The following options are available for the generate-conf sub-command.

Option/Argument Description Default

<attribute id>

A list of attribute Ids to be included for the generation of the configuration file.


--dictionary <file>

Path to a dictionary file for replacing attribute names and part of MBean attributes. The file should have for each line a replacement, e.g. Auxillary:Auxil.


--host <host>

Hostname or IP address of JMX host.



Use JMXMP and not JMX over RMI.


--output <file>

Output filename to write generated jmx-datacollection-config.xml.


--password <password>

Password for JMX authentication.


--port <port>

Port of JMX service



Prints the used dictionary to STDOUT. May be used with --dictionary


--service <value>

The service name used as JMX data collection name.



Skip default JavaVM Beans.



Skip attributes with non-number values


--url <url>

Custom connection URL


--username <username>

Username for JMX authentication


-h (--help)

Show help and usage information.


-v (--verbose)

Enables verbose mode for debugging purposes.


The option --skipDefaultVM offers the ability to ignore the MBeans provided as standard by the JVM and just create configurations for the MBeans provided by the java application itself. This is particularly useful if an optimized configuration for the JVM already exists. If the --skipDefaultVM option is not set the generated configuration will include the MBeans of the JVM and the MBeans of the Java Application.
Check the file and see if there are alias names with more than 19 characters. This errors are marked with NAME_CRASH_AS_19_CHAR_VALUE

Sub-command: generate-graph

This sub-command generates a RRD graph definition file for a given configuration file. The following example generates a graph definition file using the configuration in file myconfig.xml.

./jmx-config-generator generate-graph --input myconfig.xml --output
reports=java.lang.ClassLoading.MBeanReport, \
java.lang.ClassLoading.0TotalLoadeClassCnt.AttributeReport, \
java.lang.ClassLoading.0LoadedClassCnt.AttributeReport, \
java.lang.ClassLoading.0UnloadedClassCnt.AttributeReport, \
java.lang.Compilation.MBeanReport, \
<output omitted>

The following options are available for this sub-command.

Option/Argument Description Default

--input <jmx-datacollection.xml>

Configuration file to use as input to generate the graph properties file


--output <file>

Output filename for the generated graph properties file.



Prints the default template.


--template <file>

Template file using Apache Velocity template engine to be used to generate the graph properties.


-h (--help)

Show help and usage information.


-v (--verbose)

Enables verbose mode for debugging purposes.


Graph Templates

The JMX Config Generator uses a template file to generate the graphs. It is possible to use a user-defined template. The option --template followed by a file lets the JMX Config Generator use the external template file as base for the graph generation. The following example illustrates how a custom template mytemplate.vm is used to generate the graph definition file using the configuration in file myconfig.xml.

./jmx-config-generator generate-graph --input myconfig.xml --output --template mytemplate.vm

The template file has to be an Apache Velocity template. The following sample represents the template that is used by default:

reports=#foreach( $report in $reportsList )
${}#if( $foreach.hasNext ), \

#foreach( $report in $reportsBody )

#[[##]]# $
report.${}.command=--title="${report.title}" \
 --vertical-label="${report.verticalLabel}" \
#foreach($graph in $report.graphs )
 DEF:${}={rrd${foreach.count}}:${graph.resourceName}:AVERAGE \
 AREA:${}#${graph.coloreB} \
 LINE2:${}#${graph.coloreA}:"${graph.description}" \
 GPRINT:${}:AVERAGE:" Avg \\: %8.2lf %s" \
 GPRINT:${}:MIN:" Min \\: %8.2lf %s" \
 GPRINT:${}:MAX:" Max \\: %8.2lf %s\\n" \


The JMX Config Generator generates different types of graphs from the jmx-datacollection-config.xml. The different types are listed below:

Type Description


For each attribute of any MBean a graph will be generated. Composite attributes will be ignored.


For each MBean a combined graph with all attributes of the MBeans is generated. Composite attributes will be ignored.


For each composite attribute of every MBean a graph is generated.


For each composite member of every MBean a combined graph with all composite attributes is generated.