The default offset is 0. The default limit is 10 results. To get all results, use limit=0 as a parameter on the URL (GET /nodes?limit=0). |
Additionally, anywhere you use "id" in the queries below, you can use the foreign source and foreign ID separated by a colon instead (GET /nodes/fs:fid).
GETs (Reading Data)
Resource | Description |
Get a list of nodes. This includes the ID and node label. |
Get a specific node, by ID. |
Get the list of IP interfaces associated with the given node. |
Get the IP interface for the given node and IP address. |
Get the list of services associated with the given node and IP interface. |
Get the requested service associated with the given node, IP interface, and service name. |
Get the list of SNMP interfaces associated with the given node. |
Get the specific interface associated with the given node and ifIndex. |
Get the list of categories associated with the given node. |
Get the category associated with the given node and category name. |
Get the asset record associated with the given node. |
Get the hardware inventory information collected by the hardware inventory plugin. |
Get a specific entity from the hardware inventory information. |
POSTs (Adding Data)
POST requires XML using application/xml as its Content-Type.
Resource | Description |
Add a node. |
Add an IP interface to the node. |
Add a service to the interface for the given node. |
Add an SNMP interface to the node. |
Add a category association to the node. |
Add entire hardware inventory to the node. |
Add specific entity to node’s hardware inventory. |
PUTs (Modifying Data)
PUT requires form data using application/x-www-form-urlencoded
as a content type.
Resource | Description |
Modify a node with the given ID. |
Modify the IP interface with the given node ID and IP address. |
Modify the service with the given node ID, IP address, and service name. |
Modify the SNMP interface with the given node ID and ifIndex. |
Modify the category with the given node ID and name. |
Modify the hardware inventory entity for given node ID and index. It is possible to use this endpoint to add custom attributes. |
DELETEs (Removing Data)
Perform a DELETE to the singleton URLs specified in PUT above to delete that object.
Resource | Description |
Delete a node with the given ID. |
Delete a specific entity from the node’s hardware inventory.
If you provide the |
Deletion of nodes, ipinterfaces, and services is asynchronous so it will return 202 (ACCEPTED). Deletion of snmpinterfaces and categories is synchronous calls so will return 204 (NO_CONTENT) on success. |
Example hardware inventory
curl -u 'admin:admin' http://localhost:8980/opennms/rest/nodes/1/hardwareInventory
<hwEntity entPhysicalIndex="1" nodeId="1" entityId="14">
<hwEntity entPhysicalIndex="2" nodeId="1" entityId="15" parentPhysicalIndex="1">
<hwEntity entPhysicalIndex="9" nodeId="1" entityId="16" parentPhysicalIndex="2">
<entPhysicalDescr>Cisco 7200VXR Network Processing Engine NPE-400</entPhysicalDescr>
<entPhysicalName>NPE400 0</entPhysicalName>
<hwEntityAttribute class="integer" name="ceExtNVRAMUsed" oid="." value="8605"/>
<hwEntityAttribute class="integer" name="ceExtNVRAMSize" oid="." value="129016"/>
<hwEntityAttribute class="integer" name="ceExtProcessorRam" oid="." value="268435456"/>
<entPhysicalDescr>Cisco 7206VXR, 6-slot chassis</entPhysicalDescr>