IBM Tivoli Event Integration Facility

You can configure Horizon to receive events sent using the Tivoli Event Integration Facility. These EIF events are translated into Horizon events using preconfigured rules. The resulting UEIs are anchored in the namespace, with the name of the EIF event class appended.

A sample event configuration for the OMEGAMON_BASE class is included with OpenNMS.

Configuring the EIF Adapter

Once Horizon starts and the Karaf shell is accessible, you can install the EIF Adapter feature and configure it to listen on a specific interface and port.

By default the EIF Adapter listens on TCP port 1828 on all interfaces.
OSGi login, installation, and configuration of the EIF Adapter
[root@localhost /root]# $ ssh -p 8101 admin@localhost
opennms> feature:install eif-adapter
opennms> config:edit org.opennms.features.eifadapter
opennms> config:property-set interface
opennms> config:property-set port 1828
opennms> config:update

To ensure that the feature continues to be installed on subsequent restarts, add eif-adapter to a file in featuresBoot.d:

echo "eif-adapter" | sudo tee ${OPENNMS_HOME}/etc/featuresBoot.d/eif-adapter.boot

You can check the routes status with the camel:* commands and inspect the log with log:tail for any obvious errors.

Documentation on using the OSGi console embedded in OpenNMS and the related camel commands.

You should now be able to configure your EIF forwarders to send to this destination, and their events will be translated into Horizon events and written to the event bus.


If events are not reaching Horizon, check whether the event source (EIF forwarder) is correctly configured. In particular, review the HOSTNAME and PORT parameters of the event destination configuration. Also check that your situations are configured to forward to the EIF destination.

If those appear to be correct, verify that the EIF forwarder can communicate with Horizon over the configured port (default 1828).

Review the OSGi log with log:tail or the camel:* commands.