Perspective Poller
GETs (Reading Data)
Lets you query the aggregated percentage availability for a given specific application and its services.
This API is v2-only. |
Resource | Description |
Get the list of aggregated percentage availability per location for the application specified by applicationId. |
Get the list of aggregated percentage availability per location for an application service specified by applicationId and monitoredServiceId. |
Use examples with cURL
Retrieve application status per location by a given applicationId.
curl -u admin:admin ""
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<application-status applicationId="62" end="1593245179597" start="1593158779597">
<location name="RDU">
<location name="Fulda">
Retrieve service status per location by a given applicationId and monitoredServiceId.
curl -u admin:admin ""
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<application-service-status applicationId="62" end="1593245179597" monitoredServiceId="2" start="1593158779597">
<location name="RDU">
<location name="Fulda">