
Handles processing of SNMP traps into events. Based around traditional UDP-based SNMP traps, it receives traps that remote devices create. It enables OpenNMS to receive SNMP traps and convert them into events and, if configured accordingly, convert those events into alarms and notifications. Its functionality is similar to how syslogd handles syslog entries.

Trapd supports V1 traps, V2 traps and notifications, and V3 traps and notifications. It also accepts traps with any community name (V1, V2c). You can use that community name in event definitions as part of a mask.

How it works

When an SNMP trap arrives, trapd parses the message, comparing the sender to known nodes. If the sender is not a monitored node and the new-suspect-on-trap parameter is set to true, Meridian sends an event to discover the node. Otherwise, Meridian tags the trap to the monitored node, broadcasts it to eventd, and the trap becomes a Meridian event.

Table 1. Trapd configuration file overview
File Description Reload Event Restart Required


Configure generic behavior of trapd (for example, port numbers with IP addresses to listen for traps).




Defines mapping between OIDs and UEIs. Files in this folder must be specified as an include directive in eventconf.xml.



Table 2. Trapd log file overview
File Description


Logs relating to trapd server events.

Additional information

For information on how to automate alarms and reduce the number of messages, see Syslogd Automations on Discourse.

You can configure the eventd subsystem to discard unwanted SNMP traps. To do so, use the discardtraps logmsg. See Anatomy of an event in the Event Daemon Configuration section for more information.

Note that for V3, you must specify the SNMPv3 credentials used to authenticate and decode V3 traps in trapd-configuration.xml, as in the following example:

<trapd-configuration snmp-trap-port="162" new-suspect-on-trap="true">
  <snmpv3-user security-name="opennms" auth-passphrase="0p3nNMSv3" auth-protocol="MD5"
      privacy-passphrase="0p3nNMSv3" privacy-protocol="DES"/>
  <snmpv3-user security-name="sample-name" auth-passphrase="secret" auth-protocol="MD5"
      privacy-passphrase="super-secret" privacy-protocol="DES"/>
Metadata expressions can also be used in attributes of the trapd-configuration.xml configuration file. This lets the user to also reference credentials stored in the secure credentials.