
The insights dashboard displays statistics and visualizations that represent the current state of your monitored network.

It also provides quick links to the inventory and flows pages for additional data visualizations.

Statistics and visualizations

The Insights Dashboard displays the following statistics and visualizations:

  • Alert Summary: Number of alerts of each status (Critical, Major, and so on) and their incidence rate compared to the average for the selected time period (for example, "-15% Past 24 Hours").

  • Node Reachability: Percentage of nodes that OpenNMS can see and that respond to communication (ping, and so on).

  • Top Nodes: A sortable list of the most active monitored nodes on your network.

  • Total Network Traffic: A graph of inbound and outbound network traffic over the selected time period.

  • Top 10 Applications: A graph displaying the top 10 most used applications in your monitored network over the selected time period.

By default, information is shown for the last 24 hours.

View data on a per-node basis

If you are using SNMP, you can view rate of traffic observed on a given interface through the Inventory page on a per-node basis.

Available graphs depend on the data being collected and include the following:

  • Bandwidth inbound/outbound (combined graph)

  • Bits inbound

  • Bits outbound

  • Bits inbound/outbound (combined graph)

  • Public interface byte count

  • Node latency

  • Errors inbound/outbound (combined graph)

  • Azure node bytes inbound/outbound

To view graphs, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Inventory in the left navigation menu.

  2. Click the graph symbol on the node to view traffic graphs.

    Node card with graph symbol circled
    Figure 1. Node card
    1. Hover over points on the graph to see details.

    2. Click the download symbol on each graph to save a PDF copy of the graph locally or click Download All to save a PDF of all the displayed graphs.

  3. Click the browser back button or an item in the left navigation menu to exit the node graphs screen.


The Insights Dashboard includes shortcuts for the following:

  • The Inventory link on the Total Network Traffic graph navigates users to the Network Inventory page.

  • The Flows link on the Top 10 Applications graph navigates users to the Flows page.

Geographical Map

The Map page displays the geolocation of your Minion(s) on a world map, and indicates the number of nodes associated with it.

You must define a physical address or geo-coordinates (latitude and longitude) for the monitoring location to display nodes on the map. (See Create a location.)