Flow Datasource

You can use the Flow datasource to retrieve application- and conversation-related metrics derived from OpenNMS flows data. The query editor supports the following functions:

Function Description

Combine functions


Limit the results to the top N conversations or applications when sorted by total bytes.


Combine and include other conversations or applications that fall outside of the top N.

Filter functions


Filter for flows related to the given exporter node.


Filter for flows related to the given interface index.


Filter for flows with the given DSCP values.


Filter for flows with the given application values. Do not use with topN.


Filter for flows with the given conversation values. Do not use with topN.


Filter for flows with the given host values. Do not use with topN.

Transform functions


Convert the values from bytes to bits.


Convert the values to a per-second rate.


Make egress values negative.


Make ingress values negative.


Generate a tabular summary instead of time series data.


Combine ingress and egress values.


Display only ingress traffic.


Display only egress traffic.


Changes the resolution of the returned datapoints grouping by the given time interval (10s, 5m, 1h, and so on).


Specifies a prefix for graph and summary labels.


Specifies a suffix for graph and summary labels.


Convert all NaN values to zero (0) so that reduce expressions (sum, max) can take them into consideration.

Template queries


The locations() query returns a list of available node locations. You can create a variable with a locations() query and use that variable inside an exporterNodesWithFlows() query to filter the number of nodes displayed by location.

Example expressions
nodeFilter(location='$location') (1)
1 Assumes that the $location variable is populated with a value from a locations() query.


The exporterNodesWithFlows() query returns a list of nodes that have exported flows data to OpenNMS. The template value is the node’s ID, and the display text is the node’s label.

The specified exporters must be part of your OpenNMS instance’s inventory to be returned by this query.

The filter expression must be made up of an existing node attribute and its corresponding value. Separate multiple expressions with an ampersand (&) (for example, <attribute1>=<value1> & <attribute2>=<value2> & …​). The node’s value can be a constant, a variable, or a regular expression.

Example expressions using exporterNodesWithFlows()
exporterNodesWithFlows(location='$location' & label='localhost')
exporterNodesWithFlows(location='$location' & label='.*com.*')

For more information about filters, see Filters in the main OpenNMS documentation.


The interfacesOnExporterNodeWithFlows() query returns a list of interface indexes that are associated with one or more flows on a specified node. The value of the template variable is the interface’s index, and the display text is the interface’s name.

Only one argument is available for the interfacesOnExporterNodeWithFlows() query:

Argument Description


Criteria (node ID, or node foreign source and node foreign ID) of the node on which to enumerate interfaces.

Example expressions using interfacesOnExporterNodeWithFlows()
interfacesOnExporterNodeWithFlows($node) (1)
interfacesOnExporterNodeWithFlows(123) (2)
interfacesOnExporterNodeWithFlows(FS:FID) (2)
1 Assumes that the $node variable is populated with a value from an exporterNodesWithFlows() query.
2 Queries specific nodes using their IDs or foreignSource:foreignId tuples.


The dscpOnExporterNodeAndInterface() query returns a list of DSCP values that are used by one or more flows on the specified node and interface during the given time range. It returns selection options for the DSCP values, and IP precedence groups that cover them. Their labels are symbolic names for the DSCP codes, followed by the corresponding number (if applicable).

The following arguments are available for the dscpOnExporterNodeAndInterface() query:

Argument Description


Criteria (node ID, or node foreign source and node foreign ID) of the node on which to enumerate values.


Interface index of the SNMP interface to enumerate.


Beginning of the time range for which to return values, in epoch milliseconds.


End of the time range for which to return values, in epoch milliseconds.

Example expression using dscpOnExporterNodeAndInterface()
dscpOnExporterNodeAndInterface($node, $interface, $__from, $__to) (1)
1 Assumes that the $node variable is populated with a value from an exporterNodesWithFlows() query, and the $interface variable is populated with a value from the interfacesOnExporterNodeWithFlows($node) query.


The applications() query returns a list of all available applications. This query is intended for use inside the withApplications() filter function as a template variable, if necessary.

The query accepts an optional number of records, which ensures that only a limited number of records is retrieved.

The application values retrieved come "as is" from the flows/applications/enumerate API.
Example expressions
withApplications($applications) (1)
1 Assumes that the $applications variable is populated with a value from an applications() query.


The conversations() query returns a list of all available conversations. This query is intended for use inside the withConversation() filter function as a template variable, if necessary.

The conversations values retrieved come "as is" from the flows/conversations/enumerate API.

The query accepts the following optional arguments:

Argument Description Position Default Value


Application expression




Location expression




Protocol expression




Limit for the number of records retrieved.



Example expressions
conversations(10) (1)
conversations(app0, 10) (2)
conversations(app0, Default, 10) (3)
conversations(app.*, Def.*, http.*, 1000) (4)
withConversation($conversations) (5)
1 Queries all conversations and returns a maximum of 10 records.
2 Queries all conversations in the app0 application and the default location, and returns a maximum of 10 records.
3 Queries all conversations using the http protocol in the app0 application and the default location. Returns a maximum of 10 records.
4 Queries all conversations using the http and https protocols in applications starting with app, in locations starting with Def. Returns a maximum of 1,000 records.
5 Assumes that the $conversations variable is populated with a value from a conversations() query.


The hosts() query returns a list of available hosts. This query is intended for use inside the withHost() filter function as a template variable, if necessary.

The host values retrieved come "as is" from the flows/hosts/enumerate API.

This query accepts the following optional arguments:

Argument Description Position Default Value


Host expression




Limit for the number of records retrieved.



Example expressions
hosts(10) (1)
hosts(192.168.0.*, 10) (2)
withHost($hosts) (3)
1 Queries all hosts and returns a maximum of 10 records.
2 Queries all hosts matching the 192.168.0.* pattern and returns a maximum of 10 records.
3 Assumes that the $hosts variable is populated with a value from a hosts() query.