Advanced Event Search

When searching your environment’s events list, you may want to customize your query to narrow your search. The Horizon Event Detail page has a button to filter your searches based on different criteria:

Criteria Description

Event ID

Performs an equals filter on the event ID.

Node Label Contains

Performs a substring filter on the node label.
To negate this search, prefix the input text with an exclamation mark (!). This returns only results that do not contain the provided input text.

Event Text Contains

Performs a substring filter on both the log message and the description.
To negate this search, prefix the input text with an exclamation mark (!). This returns only results that do not contain the provided input text.

TCP/IP Address Like

Performs an IPLIKE on the provided IP address.
To negate this search, prefix the input text with an exclamation mark (!). This returns only results that do not satisfy the IPLIKE function.

Node Location

Select an option from the drop-down list to filter results to only one node location. Choose Any to return all results.

System ID

Select an option from the drop-down list to filter results to only one system ID. Choose Any to return all results.


Filters events based on their severity. This is a multi-select checkbox.
Select the severities that you want to filter by. By default, they are unselected; this returns all events. Selecting one or more severities restricts your search results to those selected.


Filters events based on the alarm service. This is a multi-select checkbox.
Select the services that you want to filter by. By default, they are unselected; this returns all events. Selecting one or more services restricts your search results to those selected.

Exact Event UEI

Performs an equals filter on the event UEI.

Relative Time

Filters the results based on a time relative to now (for example, within the last four days).

Sort By

Sorts the results in ascending or descending order for the selected field name.

Number of Events per Page

The number of events shown per page.

Events After

Select a timestamp to show events after the defined time.

Events Before

Select a timestamp to show events before the defined time.