Scheduled Outages
GETs (reading data)
Parameter | Description |
/sched-outages |
Get a list of configured scheduled outages. |
/sched-outages/{outagename} |
Get the details of a specific outage. |
POST (setting data)
Parameter | Description |
/sched-outages |
Add a new outage (or update an existing one). |
PUTs (modifying data)
Parameter | Description |
/sched-outages/{outagename}/collectd/{package} |
Add a specific outage to a collectd package. |
/sched-outages/{outagename}/pollerd/{package} |
Add a specific outage to a pollerd package. |
/sched-outages/{outagename}/threshd/{package} |
Add a specific outage to a threshd package. |
/sched-outages/{outagename}/notifd |
Add a specific outage to the notifications. |
DELETEs (removing data)
Parameter | Description |
/sched-outages/{outagename} |
Delete a specific outage. |
/sched-outages/{outagename}/collectd/{package} |
Remove a specific outage from a collectd package. |
/sched-outages/{outagename}/pollerd/{package} |
Remove a specific outage from a pollerd package. |
/sched-outages/{outagename}/threshd/{package} |
Remove a specific outage from a threshd package. |
/sched-outages/{outagename}/notifd |
Remove a specific outage from the notifications. |