
To install PRIS on your Linux system you have to install a current Java Runtime Environment OpenJDK 11 or Oracle 11 JRE.

Download and extract the latest stable release from GitHub.

The provided system start scripts assume you install PRIS in /opt/opennms-pris. If you want to install in a different directory, ensure you modify the start scripts to fit your location.
Make sure your java binary is in your search path.
# Create directory for PRIS
mkdir /opt/opennms-pris
cd /opt/opennms-pris

# Download latest release from GitHub
curl -s | grep "browser_download_url.*tar.gz" | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \" | xargs curl -L -o pris-latest.tar.gz

# Extract in current directory
tar xzf pris-latest.tar.gz --strip-components=1

SysV Init Script

To start PRIS as a system service on a Linux system using SysV you can use the init script:

# Current working directory as root: /opt/opennms-pris

cp opennms-pris.init /etc/init.d/opennms-pris
# debian
update-rc.d opennms-pris defaults
# rhel
chkconfig --add opennms-pris
service opennms-pris start

Systemd Start Script

To start PRIS as a system service on a Linux system using Systemd you can use the init script:

# Current working directory as root: /opt/opennms-pris

cp opennms-pris.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable opennms-pris.service
systemctl start opennms-pris.service

Run in Foreground

Use this command to start PRIS in foreground:

# Current working directory: /opt/opennms-pris
java -cp ./lib/*:./opennms-pris.jar org.opennms.pris.Starter